Our 2025-30 Draft Plans
Update: 28 November 2023
Our Draft Plans Consultation
The 2025-30 Ergon Energy Network and Energex Draft Plans 2025-30 consultation period was open between 15 September and 13 October 2023. It has played a pivotal role in providing a diverse range of customers and stakeholders the opportunity to express what matters most to them, in addressing the energy needs of Queensland customers and communities, both now and into the future.
The insight provided have been instrumental in helping to shape the future energy landscape for Queensland. We're now in the process of integrating the feedback we've received and refining our Regulatory Proposals for submission to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) in January 2024.
Our sincere thanks to those who have shared their perspectives. Your involvement has been essential in this journey, and we look forward to delivering a clean, reliable, safe and smart energy future for all Queenslanders, in the most affordable way.
The submissions we received on our Draft Plans during the formal consultation are listed below. We have indicated if the submission was submitted for Ergon Energy Network, Energex or both networks.
2025-30 Draft Plans submissions received
Energex submissions | Ergon Energy Network submissions | Energex & Ergon Energy Network |
* ES – Submission received via email
*OQS – Submission received via the online questionnaire
**An additional five submission were received but were requested by the submitting individuals/organisations to remain confidential.
About our 2025-30 Draft Plans
As we pave the way for a new energy future that delivers for our customers and communities, striking the right balance is crucial. We are acutely aware that affordability and cost of living, and cost of business is the key concern of our customers. Consequently, we will not spend one dollar more than necessary to deliver our future program of work. We are committed to putting downward pressure on prices wherever possible. In developing our investment and revenue plans for the 2025-30 period, our focus is on investing in our networks to provide clean, reliable, safe and smart electricity and efficiently delivering electricity services in the most affordable way.
We are in a period of transformation across the energy industry driven by technological advances, the shift to renewable energy sources, and evolving customer expectations. With the rapid transition to a clean energy future and the reshaping of Australia’s energy market, our role in managing our networks is changing and the ways our customers use and interact with our networks are also shifting. To ensure our customers and communities can leverage the benefits that flow from transition to more renewable and distributed energy resources and smart technologies, we will require a more intelligent, integrated and dynamic network supported by innovation, technology, and policy reform.
As major employers in both Regional and South East Queensland, Ergon Energy Network and Energex are proud to be playing an important role in the energy market transformation by supporting the delivery of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan, which outlines how the shift to renewable energy will be implemented across the State to not only deliver affordable energy for households and businesses, but also generate new jobs and opportunities for workers and local communities across the State.
As part of our Regulatory Determination Project 2025 we're excited to share our 2025-30, Ergon Energy Network and Energex Draft Plans.
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Our Draft Plans at a glance
Our 2025-30 Draft Plans clearly set out our strategic direction for the 2025-2030 regulatory control period and have been summarised for each network business in the ‘Draft Plan at a glance’ below.
Some key elements of the Energex 2025-30 Draft Plan have been summarised below:
Our Energex 2025-30 Draft Plan is also accompanied by an Energex Frequently Asked Questions. You can also watch this video.
Some key elements of the Ergon Energy Network 2025-30 Draft Plan have been summarised below:
Our Ergon Energy Network 2025-30 Draft Plan is also accompanied by an Ergon Energy Network Frequently Asked Questions. You can also watch this video.
Overview of the consultation process
In releasing our 2025-30 Draft Plans for consultation and feedback on 15 September 2023, we aimed to build on the customer and stakeholder engagement conversations undertaken to date. The consultation period was open between 15 September and 13 October 2023 and feedback was able to be provided in three different ways:
- Online Questionnaire: Customers and stakeholders were given the opportunity to complete our online 2025-30 Draft Plans Questionnaire. This questionnaire allowed customers to provide answers to the questions outlined throughout the different chapters in both the Ergon Energy Network and Energex 2025-30 Draft Plans.
- Webinars: We held three webinars with customers and stakeholders to discuss our future plans, answer questions, and provide clarifications to ensure that our plans were well understood. Feedback received during the webinars will be incorporated along with all other submissions received during the consultation process, which closed at 5 pm on Friday, 13 October 2023. The two Ergon Energy Network webinars were held on Thursday, 28 September 2023, and Tuesday, 3 October 2023. The Energex webinar was held on Tuesday, 3 October 2023.
- Email: customers and stakeholders also had the opportunity to submit their feedback/submission directly to us via email at RDP2025Connect@energyq.com.au
Webinar recordings can be viewed below:
Energex Draft Plan Webinar | Ergon Energy Network Draft Plan Webinar (1) | Ergon Energy Network Draft Plan Webinar (2) |
The Ergon Energy Network Draft Plan Webinar Outcomes and Summary Report and Energex Draft Plan Webinar Outcomes and Summary Report provides information on customer and stakeholder feedback from these sessions.
Should you require any additional information about our 2025-30 Draft Plans, or the consultation process please email: RDP2025Connect@energyq.com.au